FIRST AID...for Funnel-Web Spider Bite
The patient should be kept calm and rested; all undue movement should be avoided.
Reassure the patient - their life is not in danger - an anti-venom is available at the hospital.
A pressure/immobilisation bandage should be firmly applied (but not tight) wrapping the entire limb bitten - similar as for a sprained ankle. This compresses the tissue, thus reducing the flow of venom along the limbs - as illustrated by the pictures below.
A second bandage can be applied to immobilise the affected limb using a splint. This will minimise movement of the muscle of the affected limb in order to reduce the rate of blood flow and venom therein to the vital organs of the body.
Seek Medical Aid immediately. Call the AMBULANCE phone 000 rather than transport the victim.
If safe to do so, collect the spider for identification. |
Symptoms of a Funnel-Web Spider Bite
| Unlike snake bites, the person feels great pain at the site of the bite.
Nausea and abdominal pain follow.
The person will also experience difficulty in breathing and a general weakness
or numbness of the muscles.
The body also secretes heavily in several areas.
Profuse sweating is usually obvious, along with excessive saliva production.
Heavy coughing is also common.
Virtually all major hospitals in "Funnel-web Country" carry an effective
Provided a pressure/immobilisation method has been applied soon after the bite and medical attention sought quickly, a few days in the hospital is the usual outcome with complete recovery.
FIRST AID...for Red-Back & Other Spider Bites
| As the venom of the red-back and other spiders moves very slowly, any attempt to restrict its progress would only serve to increase the associated pain, which can be excruciating. Do not bandage (except for funnel-web spider bite - see above).
The patient should be kept calm and reassured; all undue movement should be avoided.
Use an ice-pack on the bite site to reduce the swelling.
Medical First Aid should be sought immediately. Many hospitals and ambulance vehicles carry the Red-back anti-venom. If safe to do so, take the spider to the hospital for identification.
Symptoms of Venomous Spider Bites
The fangs of a Red-Back Spider are tiny and it's bite may often go unnoticed, but, often a sharp pin-prick may be felt. This is generally followed by severe pain at the site of the bite, leading to more general pain.
Other symptoms of venomous spider bites include headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, and partial loss of muscle control.
Sweating occurs in varying degrees, particularly around site of the bite.
Swelling of the affected area is common, as is a quickening of the heart-beat.
SAME FAMILY BUSINESS SINCE 1964 FUMAPEST is a second generation family business. After 48 years of providing pest control services in the Greater Sydney, Central Coast and Illawarra regions, we have a valuable reputation in the marketplace and have acquired a wealth of knowledge and experience, unmatched by our competitors.
BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AWARD FUMAPEST Pest Control received a Business Enterprise Award in 1984 from the NSW Govt Office of Small Business & Qantas for our EcoSafe Pest Control system and staff training programs.
Accredited APCA Member FUMAPEST is an Accredited Member and major supporter of Australian Pest Controllers Association Inc APCA since it's incorporation in 1987.
Industry stewardship FUMAPEST Managing Director served as a Member of NSW Govt Pest Control Licensing Board for 8 years and Standards Australia Termite Control Committees on Termite Control AS3660 & Termite Inspection Reports AS4349. |
Commercial Food Handling Premises • FUMAPEST is compliant with HACCP & AQIS Requirements for commercial food handling premises • restaurants • cafes • hotels • motels • hospitals • child care centres • nursing homes • retirement villages • churches • schools • colleges• universities • race-horse stables • veterinary clinics and other sensitive environments.
Fully insured - excellent track record FUMAPEST Pest Control has public liability and professional indemnity insurance to cover claims personal injury and faulty workmanship • includes repairs for subsequent termite damage to buildings • up to $10 million and $1 million respectively • FUMAPEST has not made an insurance claim related to termite problems for more than 20 years.
Professional technicians FUMAPEST Pest Control Training Program regularly assesses technician skills in use of latest generation products • all termite control technicians have APCA or TAFE Pest Control Certificate • NSW Govt WorkCover Pest Control Licence • and many years field-work experience in termite control.
Setting the Standard in an industry many fly-by-night operators, FUMAPEST Pest Control stands out as a well established pest control business with an excellent reputation in the market-place. Be careful in selecting a pest controller it's far too easy to get a pest control licence and start up a pest control business in NSW with little knowledge or experience ... more details |