Pest Control - Child Care Centres - Kindergartens |
Tailor-made pest control programs |
Contents: Learn about the "creepy crawlies" that invade child care centre buildings; their biology, life-cyle, problems caused and what the building owner can do to reduce the risk of a serious infestation.
Fumapest.com.au contains consumer protection advice on pest control methods, pesticide safety issues, quality assurance procedures, price guidelines and service warranties information.
Phone FUMAPEST 1300 241 500 for an obligation FREE inspection, quotation and advice. |
Integrity & Professionalism after more than 50 years as a family business specialising in pest control FUMAPEST has an excellent reputation to protect and a wealth of knowledge and expertise, unmatched by our competitors.
FREE inspection, comprehensive written report, quotation and specifications. The written report includes details on recommended safest pesticides suitable to the circumstances, various non-chemical options, frequency of inspection and retreatment regime, and a pricing schedule and payment terms to suit your budget.
Fully warranted service with a 24 hour emergency response to a severe pest reinfestation during the service warranty period.
In most cases, Fumapest requires at least 24 hours notice (next working day) for a minor pest reinfestation during the service warranty period.
Fumapest Service Register is left on site to record treatment specifications, products to be used, related MSDS documentation, pest control services completed log, sightings of pest activity by upon Fumapest inspection or by occupants of the buildings and any recommendations for site-specific improvements.
Use of modern equipment and vehicles - clean pest control equipment and motor vehicle - full range of equipment - tamper resistant bait stations.
Professionally trained and WorkCover licensed pest control technicians being holders of a Pest Control Cert.3 and several years field-work experience in safe effective commercial pest contro services.. |
About FUMAPEST Commercial Pest Control Services
HACCP quality assured: FUMAPEST Pest Control is compliant with HACCP requirements for commercial food handling premises, restaurants, cafes, hospitals, child care centres, retirement villages, nursing homes, schools, churches and other sensitive commercial and educational environments.
Professional technicians FUMAPEST Pest Control Training Program regularly assesses Pest Control technician skills and performance in the use of the latest generation products - all senior technicians possess a APCA or TAFE Pest Control Certificate and NSW Govt WorkCover Pest Control Licence.
Setting the Standard in an industry with many fly-by-night operators FUMAPEST Commercial Pest Control stands out as a well established NSW pest control business with an excellent reputation in the market-place.
BE CAREFUL in selecting a pest controller - it's far too easy to get a pest control licence and start up a pest control business in NSW with little knowledge or experience .... more details. |